A short biographical sketch of the past Presidents of the Chamber from 1908 to the present. The Chamber salutes these stalwarts who have left an indelible mark on the activities of the Chamber – a 100 year old institution representing the state of Goa’s commercial activities.
LUIS GUILHERME DIAS (1908-1912 & 1917-1918)

The Late Luis Guiherme Dias, Founder President of the Chamber was born in a modest family from Badem, in the village of Serula, Salvador do Mundo on the 14th of Sept 1849. He inherited a small family business that consisted of agencies that held the exclusive distribution rights for the sale of wine from the famous House of Vinicola of Porto, Portugal, and English Whisky, besides a small private Bank.
The enterprising young man soon ventured into Agricultural production and agro-processing, mineral exploration, mining of manganese ore, building, and construction. He purchased or rented land and cultivated paddy in Bardez and Tiswadi and cotton on large tracts in Caley. His improved methods increased the yield of rice to 50 Cumbos in Bardez.
He pioneered agricultural mechanisation in the State by setting up a de-husking machine at Neura and a steam engine to run the crushers at the sugar factory in Saligao where the cash crop stood abundant. This facilitated the increase in production of the commodity which he had been exporting annually by means of a specially chartered ship to Portugal. He further ventured into the setting up of salt pans in his village and the surrounding areas thus making salt available, for a nominal price to all those that had suffered hardship due to its scarcity and high cost.
Mr. Dias traveled to Europe on three occasions even visiting the Paris EXPO twice in search of State of the Art technology and new ideas with which he not only educated himself and improved his own entrepreneurship but also infused its spirit into the minds of his contemporaries.
His commitment to the new technology was reflected in the state-of-the-art plumbing and sanitation system which he incorporated into the house that he built at Rua de Ourem in Panjim. It was donated to the Nuns by the descendants of Mr. Dias and was eventually converted into the Immaculate Conception High School. Since he had proved himself adept at Construction and Engineering, he was invited by the Chief Engineer to build a hotel in Vasco.
In the service sector, he diversified his banking activities to discount cheques from overseas, especially in France. He arranged the employment and placement, of a large number of educated young men from Goa in lucrative positions in various government departments in Africa and other parts of the world.
His enterprising nature did not deter him from his social obligations, which he carried out by setting up educational facilities and donating to the establishment of educational institutions, especially in Ponda, for, he believed that only through education, could an individual be self-sufficient and independent.
Luis Guilherme Dias, was one of the founder members of the Associacao Commercial da India Portuguesa which subsequently changed its name to the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1962. He was elected its first and fourth President from 1908 to 1912 and 1917 to 1918. On the 14th of May, 1922, while on vacation, at his ancestral home in Badem, our first President passed away having achieved great heights and making great contributions. His death caused a void, Goa having lost an exemplary son, a giant among his peers, a foresighted entrepreneur, and industrialist, a sponsorer of education and technology.
A short biographical sketch of the past Presidents of the Chamber from 1908 to the present. The Chamber salutes these stalwarts who have left an indelible mark on the activities of the Chamber – a 100 year old institution representing the state of Goa’s commercial activities.
Luis Guilherme Dias, Founder President of the Associacao Comercial da India Portuguesa was born in a modest family from Badem, in the village of Serula, Salvador do Mundo, on the 14th of Sept 1849. He was elected its first and fourth President.He inherited a small family business that consisted of agencies which held the exclusive distribution rights for the sale of wine from the famous House of Vinicola of Porto, Portugal, and English Whisky, besides a small private Bank. The enterprising young man soon ventured into Agricultural production and agro processing, mineral exploration, mining of manganese ore, building and construction. He purchased or rented land and cultivated paddy in Bardez and Tiswadi Talukas, and cotton on large tracts in Caley. His improved methods increased the yield of rice to 50 Gumbos in Bardez.
On the 14th of May, 1922, while on vacation, at his ancestral home in Badem, the first President passed away having achieved great heights and making great contributions. His death caused a void, Goa having lost an exemplary son, a giant among his peers, a foresighted entrepreneur and industrialist, a sponsor of education and technology.
Vicente Salvador de Andrade was born in Paitona, a small village near Salvador de Mundo, in Bardez-Goa. In Pangim, after completion of the course at the Liceu Nacional Afonso de Albuquerque, he continued his studies in pharmacy at the Escola Medica e Farmaceutica. In 1900s along with his relative Antonio de Sa from Aldona, they started one of the first pharmacies in Goa by the name of ‘Farmacia Andrade e Sa’ at Fontainhas. In order to expand their business Vicente and his partner closed the pharmacy and opened “Drogaria Andrade e Sa’ in Pangim with branches in Margao, Mapusa and Vasco da Gama. He “was a Founder member of the Associacao Comercial da India Portuguesa, along with Guilherme Dias and others. He was also the councilor (Vereador) and later the President of the Camara Municipal de Goa (Pangim Municipality). During his tenure as the President he was known to have always worked with great dedication for cleanliness, safety and maintenance of the city. He died in the year 1930.
Dr. Pedro Xavier Gonsalves was a native of Santa Cruz village in the Taluka of Ilhas (Tiswadi). He graduated in medicine in the year 1902 from the erstwhile Escola Medica Cirurgica de Goa. He had established a pharmacy at his residence at the Primeiro Bairro in Santa Cruz. He was the third President of the Associacao during the years 1915-1916. It was during his tenure that the government was asked to revoke the fixed amount of tax on motorcars and requested to charge the tax at 10% on the value of a vehicle.
A native of Portugal, was a banker and Manager of the Banco Nacional Ultramarino in Goa. In fact the Associacao had three Managers of the Banco Nacional Ultramarino as presidents of whom he was the first. During his tenure, the Associacao helped in arranging rice for Goan consumers, as the British Government had imposed restriction on the export of rice from India. The Committee also contacted the steamship companies to touch Mormugao Harbour on their way to Bombay.
An Advocate and journalist, was born in Margao, on 9th May 1876 and died in Pangim, on 8th March 1953. He was a member of the Conselho do Governo, and President of the Camara Municipal de Ilhas. He also participated actively in the Congressos Provincials da India Portuguesa. In 1890 he published the weekly ‘O Tribuno’ and managed the daily ‘O Heraldo’ from 1910 till 1920. He was honoured by the Portuguese government with the title of ‘Comendador’.
Vasco Freire Temudo also a native of Portugal was a banker too, being the Manager of the Banco Nacional Ultramarino in Goa. He was responsible in requesting the Governor of Banco Nacional Ultramarino in Lisbon to suspend the order by which all merchants had to make full payments of sight drafts and letters of credit, and also to suspend the increase in taxes.
Bento Minguel Fernandes from Pangim was one of the founder members of the Associacao and a member of the first managing committee. He worked closely with the Committee for the success of the Associacao. He ran his business under his name ‘Bento Minguel Fernandes’ which was a store that sold imported items. The store was situated in the Sao Tome ward on the busy D.Joao de Castro Road, and still exists in the same place, though the business outlook has changed. From the multifaceted departmental store business where one could buy the best of the trademarks imported from all over the world, it now sells only curios and a few other items. Bento Minguel Fernandes was one of the exclusive importers for beers, Scotch whisky, lingerie, etc and one of the important stores where one could buy under one roof many of one’s personal requirements like toiletry, liquor, clothes, apparels, etc.
Jose Caetano Jorge was a well known businessman of his time who had an establishment in Pangim, ‘Jose Caetano Jorge’and who imported various products. He was an exclusive importer of Castillon – Cognac medicinal, St.Pauli beer, Milovin, a tonic for beauty. J.C.Jorge was also a member of the Concelho do Governo and a building contractor.The Committee under his presidentship proposed reduction of taxes on several items, including potatoes, cereals, wheat flour, sewing machine and cloth.Bento Minguel Fernandes from Pangim was one of the founder members of the Associacao and a member of the first managing committee. He worked closely with the Committee for the success of the Associacao. He ran his business under his name ‘Bento Minguel Fernandes’ which was a store that sold imported items. The store was situated in the Sao Tome ward on the busy D.Joao de Castro Road, and still exists in the same place, though the business outlook has changed. From the multifaceted departmental store business where one could buy the best of the trademarks imported from all over the world, it now sells only curios and a few other items. Bento Minguel Fernandes was one of the exclusive importers for beers, Scotch whisky, lingerie, etc and one of the important stores where one could buy under one roof many of one’s personal requirements like toiletry, liquor, clothes, apparels, etc.
Antonio Augusto Vieira Lisboa again a native of Portugal, was the Manager of Banco Nacional Ultramar in o. Under his presidentship the committee protested in 1929 the 10% tax that the City of Goa Municipality proposed on all the imports and exports. The Associacao informed that the businessmen were already burdened with additional customs duties from 1919 for the expenditure on the improvement of Mormugao for which a committee was formed by the government, namely the ‘Comissao de Melhoramento de Mormugao’ and therefore no more taxes should be collected.
Joaquim Santana Velho from Pangim had established an enterprise ‘Velho e filhos’ in February 1899. which dealt with imports of alcoholic beverages, and food items. These included the well known brands Black & White scotch whisky, Kloster Beer, Hulstkamp gin from Holland, Victor Clicquot, an imitation of champagne, Sanguinal wines, Brandao Gomes canned food, the last two from Portugal. They also imported buiscuits, cakes, milk, etc. He was also a building contractor. The business enterprise by Joaquim Santana still continues to be managed by his heirs under the same name. He died on 7th June 1949.
Pedro Sebastiao de Figueiredo from Santa Cruz was pharmacist by profession, and owned alongwith Mr.A.Z.Correia the pharmaceutical enterprise called ‘Drogaria Figueiredo e Correia’. Later he owned a pharmacy underthename ‘FarmaciaP.S.Figueiredo’.Hediedon lOthJune 1957.
Narcinva Damodar Naik, born in October 1904, died in the year 1966. After his primary school, and after the second year of Lyceum he had to join the family business due to his father’s illness. He was the first Hindu to occupy the post of the President. The family business of Narcinva Damodar Naik was whole-sale business, and one of the biggest, supplying agricultural products up to the Middle East. During the second World War, to overcome the shortage of rice and wheat, he imported these cereals by Chartered flights and organised at his own house distribution of food to the needy. He was appointed by the government a member of Controlling Committee for rationing of food. Narcinva D. Naik was appointed General Agents for Mercedes Benz in 1953, for their cars, trucks, buses, marine engines and tractors and after Liberation of Goa. the company was appointed Main Dealers in Goa for Tata Engineering & Locomotive. In 1933 he founded the Seva Samiti, and the Adarsha Vanita Vidyalaya School with a residency, basically meant for Hindu women. Through this school a large number of Devdasi children were educated and settled in life. He had been President and active member of several public institutions and was well known for his philanthropic activity.
Cristovam Fernandes from Pangim was the younger brother of Bento Minguel Fernandes and had a succesful independent business under the name ‘Cristovam Fernandes’. He was an importer of various items from foodstuff to lingerie. One could buy in this shop nitty- gritty items like thimbles, brushes, shirt collars, pens, inks, scissors, eau de cologne, hair oil, wallets, handkerchiefs, gloves, mirrors, silks and chandeliers.
Heitor Joao Peres from Goa Velha in Ilhas Taluka dealt with imports and had an exclusive right to Jeffers Beer. Though the main imports were beverages and liquors, he also imported foodstuff like cheese, ham, and tinned food and also goods with medicinal value like Gaywer’s cyder (Champagne of England), syrup which purified blood, made from apples rich in vitamins and phosphorous. His shop was situated at the Afonso de Albuquerque Road, where today stands the tall Damodar building.
Mahadev Sinai Bobo Caculo a well-known businessman who before joining business worked in the Land Survey Department in Goa, which experience probably helped him when he wanted to start as a building contractor. The constructions undertaken by him are many, which include the water tank at Altinho, the Hospital Abade Faria at Altinho )Pangim, the Banastari and Borim bridges. He was honoured by the Portuguese Government with the title ‘Comendador’ for the services he rendered to the Government of Estado da India Portuguesa. His firm ‘M.S.B.Caculo’ imported cars, trucks and tractors of the Ford company, tubes and tyres of Michelin, B.S.A. motorcycles, cement mixers of the make Millars, radios and electronic equipment of Marconi, industrial explosives of Trafaria, and motor oils Wakefield. Besides the company had interests in infrastructure, and built roads and bridges that last till today. He died on 22nd July 1951.
Vassantrao S. Dempo a born entrepreneur, saw the light of day on 4th March 1916. He got into business at the age of eighteen after education in Marathi, Portuguese and English. In 1941 Vasantrao established ‘V.S.Dempo & Co. Pvt. Ltd.’ to export Goan iron ore to overseas countries, notably Japan. He acquired mining concessions during the Portuguese rule and set up the Dempo Mining Corporation and widened the scope of the company into other areas such as calcined petroleum coke production plant, Goa Carbon Limited, Dempo Dairy Industries Ltd., Goa Paints and Allied Products, producing decorative and marine paints, varnishes and enamels, Dempo Engineering Works Ltd, etc. Dempo Sports Club is another contribution to the Goan world of sports. He was on different Government Committees, Advisory Bodies and Trade Organisations and twice headed the Goa Mineral Ore Exporters’ Association. He had been Trustee of Mormugao Port Trust and the Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the College of Engineering, Goa and of the Government Polytechnic, Pangim. He was the Chairman of the Indo-Portuguese Trade Council. The Rotary Club of Pangim honoured him with ‘The Ambassador of Goodwill’. The President of India also honoured him with the award of ‘Padmashri’ in recognition of his important contribution to the industrial, educational and economic development of the nation. He died on 9th November 2000.
Esvonta Bolvonta Rau was born on 17th July 1892 at Bicholim. Educated in Marathi and Portuguese at the Lyceum , he completed matriculation in English. He was President of the Associacao Comercial da India Portuguesa for three consecutive terms. He was also a member of the Camara Municipal de Goa for six years, a member of the Comissao de Melhoramentos de Mormugao and Conselho Superior de Viacao. With his elder brother Roulu he carried on business for many years in Pangim under the name and style of ‘Deshpande Brothers’, as importers of, and dealers in stationery, perfumery, toiletry, fancy goods and novelty articles. They were pioneers of cinema houses in Goa, with the Eden Cinema in a temporary structure in the early 1920’s and the National Cine-Tiatro in Pangim in 1934, and the Cine Alankar in Mapusa in 1966. He died on 10th June 1974.
Jose Antonio de Gouveia was born in 12th February, 1912. a pharmacist by profession who had a business of imports namely ‘Agenda Comercial Internacional’, which functioned from a house on the 31st January road in Pangim. He was the sole representative and importer of various products from Portugal and other foreign countries, which included canned food, medicines, perfumes and articles of toilettes, tobacco, wines and liquors. Booth’s gin, Bulmer’s cider, Portuguese and French brandies, dry cod fish from Norway. Barclay, Falcon and Rammer beers, cigars and cigarettes, pharmaceuticals Cusi, Rotexpharma and Pepin, Canned vegetables from Holland, United Kingdom and Portugal, fruit juices, whiskies, etc. He was the longest serving President for nine years, a very important and significant period for the people of Goa and in special for the Associagao and the business community, as it was the period when the political situation in Goa was in a flux and the Union of India had imposed an economic blockade on the Estado da India Portuguesa. He was also instrumental in acquiring the plot for constructing the Chamber’s headquarters.He died on 15th September 1970.
Madev Sinai Talaulicar born on 31-1-1912, was Educated in Portuguese at the Lyceum and also passed Matriculation from Bombay University. He was a well known businessman and mine owner who entered mining business in 1950s. Mr.Talaulikar occupied different important positions during his lifetime. He was the President of Goa Mining Association, Vice-Chairman, National Savings State Advisory Board for Goa, Daman and Diu; Trustee, Mormugao Port Trust; Member of different committees which included the Mineral Ores Export Advisory Council, New Delhi, Goa Mineral Ores Export Committee, Pangim; Port Import Advisory Committee, Rural Industrial Development Credit Committee for Goa, International Panel of American Arbitration Association, New York, Export-Import Advisory Council, New Delhi. He was also a Patron of the Goa Education Society, Swamy Vivekanada Society, Clube Tennis de Gaspar Dias and Pangim Gymkhana. Life Member of Mustifand Saunstha and of Saraswati Vachan Mandir, Pangim. He was a member of the GCCI Delegation, which went to Delhi to apprise the Central Government about the problems faced after Liberation by the Goan community and especially by the businessmen in Goa, most of whom had their business interests based on imports. Mr.Talaulikar was nominated by GCCI as its representative to the Informal Consultative Council set up by Lt.Governor, T.Sivasankar soon after Liberation. He joined politics, when he contested the first General elections in Goa held in 1963 as the candidate of Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party, having lost to Dr.Jack de Sequeira, of the United Goans Party. Mr.Talaulikar published a “Study on the Mining Industry in Goa and the necessity of some urgent measures for its development” and a “Steel plant – a birthright of Goa”. He also contributed articles on Mining Industry to several newspapers and magazines. He passed away on 20th June 1996.
Pandurang S.D.K.Timblo, born on 14th November 1917 was the president from 1965 to 1968. It was during his tenure that the foundation stone for the GCCI building was laid in 1966 and inaugurated in 1968. He was from Assolna in Sacete who started his business selling cloth from door to door. He was accompanied by a helper who would carry the bundle of textiles. Later on he along with his brothers developed the business and started import of goods and mining. Pandurang started ‘Parshuram Paper Mills’ in Chiplun in Karnataka and started an industrial gases manufacturing plant in Bangalore. He also started a newspaper ‘the West Coast Times’ in Margao, which unfortunately closed down three years after it was established in July 1978, after a prolonged labour problem. The firm he established PandurangaTimblo Limitada exists till today and is managed by his heirs. He died on 26th October 2001.
Vishwasrao Dattajirao Chowgule, born on 25th August 1915 played an important role in development of Goan Economy. Starting with import-export business, he ventured into iron ore industry. At the age of 36, he was the first to export iron ore from Goa’s mines to Japan under a contract of 1951, known as the ‘Chowgule Formula’. He advocated mechanisation for working in the mines and its allied services of river fleet, midstream transshipped bulk loading. He was the first in South East Asia to set up a Pelletization Plant. Moreover he launched some small scale and medium scale units in the country, as he knew their importance. By his ontributions, he made the House of Chowgules, a leading national enterprise with a wide range of activities from iron ore mining to shipping, shipbuilding, industrial salt, breweries, etc. Shri Vishwasrao made a pioneering contribution to education in Goa. He established in Goa its first College immediately after liberation, and also primary, middle and high schools in various places. An institution of Shipbuilding Technology in Goa, which is only one of its kind in Western India, was promoted by the foundation created in the name of his mother, Smt.Parvatibai Chowgule Cultural Foundation. For his pioneering contribution to the development of Goa’s economy and social and educational infrastructure, Shri V.D.Chowgule was honoured by the Government of Goa with a special award and citation presented to him at the hands of the former President of India, H.E. Shri Gyani Zail Singh on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Liberation of Goa in 1986. The citizens of Goa also conferred on him a Scroll of Honour describing him as ‘Architect of Modern Goa’. The Government of India also felicitated Shri Chowgule with Lifetime Achievement Award on the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Inda’s Independence during the year 1997-98. He passed away on 4th October 2008.
Vassudeva Mahadeva Salgaocar was born on 13th May 1916 and died on 13th October 1984. Mr.Salgaoncar was the Founder-chairman of the Salgaocar Group of Companies. He had a beginning with a small trading business and rose to become a leading industrialist of Goa, presiding over a vast spectrum of industrial activity. It ranged from mining and processing of mineral ores and iron ore exports to international shipping, manufacture of chemicals, industrial gases, barges, air travel, etc. V.M.Salgaocar was Chairman of Automobile Corporation of Goa Ltd., Founder-Chairman of Shipbuilding Industry Society of Goa and that of Goa Zonal Committee of Association of Indian Engineering Industry, Member of the Indian Technical Committee of American Bureau of Shipping, and of the Technical Committee of Lloyds Register of Shipping and Nippon Kaifi Kyokai. He was also a Trustee of the Mormugao Port Trust. His philanthropy and service manifested through three important institiutions he founded for the benefit of Goa, namely Devi Shreevani Education Society’s Mahadevrao Salgaocar College of Law, Goa Institute f Management Studies and Salgaocar Medical Research Centre. Salgaocar Sports Club has taken the Goan flag to the national heights. The Rotary International Foundation awarded him the Paul Harris Fellowship for his outstanding contribution and service to the community.
Bhagwant Khrisna Naik a businessman from Margao who was in imports, was an active member of the association. His interest in the affairs of the association and the business scenario in Goa after Liberation in December 1961, prompted the managing committee of the Associagao Comercial to include him in both the delegations that went to Delhi in 1962. The business of imports of Mr.B.Naik included fishnets, which were imported from Japan, and was later expanded into manufacturing them locally in Goa. They also later diversified into manufacturing of machinery and accessories of net making.
Vasudeva V. Dempo was born on 23rd May 1935 at Bandora in Ponda Taluka. The eldest son of the Dempo business group founder Mr.Vasantrao it was but natural that he joined the family business where his expertise helped in expanding the business and taking it to new heights. He became the Group’s Vice-Chairman in the mid nineteen eighties, and took charge as the Chairman of the Dempo group of companies, after Mr.Vasantrao, retired from active business due to ill-health. As the Group’s Chairman he expanded into pig iron manufacture and expanded the real estate development business. Mr.Vasudeva was on the boards and committees of several bodies, governmental and otherwise, industry associations, service organisations, advisory entities and charitable trusts, such as Member of the Planning Board, and of Goa University Senate, President, Goa Management Association, Chairman, Mines Safety & Productivity Council (Goa, Ratnagiri & Kholapur), President, Rotary Club of Pangim and Paul Harris Fellow, Chairman, Matruchhaya Trust, and President, Goa Mineral Ore Exporters Association. He also acted as Honorary Consul in India for the Republic of Mexico. Mr.Vasudeva was affectionately known as Nagueshrao and was also a philanthropist, educationist, planner, and advisor. He died on 28th November 1999.
Yeshwantrao Dattajirao Chowgule born on 11 th December 1920, is a man who rose to an eminent position as an industrialist, literally from the lowest rung where he started soon after education. Mr.Y.D.Chowgule was the Vice-Chairman of Chowgule and Company, and Director of several other companies in the Chowgule Group. He along with his brothers promoted a wide variety of industries in Goa such as Shipping, Shipbuilding, iron ore extraction and beneficiation, integrated fisheries, engineering, fabrication etc. He was elected as President of Goa Mineral Ore Exporters Association for three terms. He was also a member of the Managing Committee of Federation of Indian Mineral Industries, New Delhi. He was the Vice-President of Chowgule Education Society, Vice-President of Shrimati Parvatibai Chowgule Cultural Foundation and Chairman of Chowgule Education Association. He was also the President of Mormugao Municipal Council, immediately after Liberation of Goa, and was instrumental in providing basic amenities to the Vasco area with completion of pioneering projects of housing, sanitation and public gardens.
Prabhakar Shiwa Pai Angle born on 25th September 1923, had his primary and secondary education in Portuguese and completed the science stream at Liceu Nacional Afonso de Albuquerque, Pangim. Later he graduated in Commerce from the University of Bombay. Angle has served several official and non-official organizations. He has been a member of the Education Council, State Council of Sports and Physical Education Board and Industries Advisory Committee of Goa. Daman and Diu; as also of the Board of Studies in Business and Economics of the University of Bombay and of the Indian Merchants Chamber. A Vice President of Goa Chamber of Commerce for fourteen years, Angle continued to serve the Chamber as a member of the Import and Export Advisory Committee (Western Region). He was the Director of two leading industrial houses: Goa Carbon and Geno Pharmaceuticals and of the Maharashtra State Financial Corporation. He was actively involved in the work of many educational, social and religious institutions and took keen interest in music and sports. Angle had been writing in Marathi and English in several leading newspapers and prestigious economic magazines on various topics of our economic, social and cultural life. He wrote: Goa: an economic review and Goa concepts and misconceptions. He was one of the proprietors of Angles Limitada, which sold sports goods, readymade wear, toys, porcelain ware, electrical accessories and appliances, bicycle accessories, footwear, telephone and telegraph equipment, gift articles, etc. The business still continues at the two shops that the Angleys have on either side of the Municipal garden in Pangim. He died on 22nd June 2002.
Ramnath Govind Kare born on 18th October 1934, was the Chairman and Managing Director of ‘Kare Group of Companies’. During his tenure he led a Delegation from the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry to Shri Lanka in 1992. He was a Member of the Delegation of the Council of EEC Chambers of Commerce in India which visited European countries in 1996, and also a Member of the Delegation led by the then Chief Minister of Goa, Mr.Pratapsingh Rane, that visited South East Asian countries in 1998. Among the many posts he held were the President of Goa Small Scale Industries Association, Past Director of the Board forState Bank of India, Bombay; Trustee, Mormugao Port Trust, Member, of the EDC and of the IDC, Goa. Presently Director of Geno Pharmaceuticals, Chairman of the Goa State Council of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (F.I.C.C.I.). President of Vidya Vikas Mandal, Margao Goa which has six institutions under its management, viz Commerce, Law, Higher Secondary, Management studies, IGNOU, etc. Past Member of the Senate, University of Bombay. Advisory Board Pharmacy College, Goa, Goa Planning Board, Finance Commission, Goa University. A recipient of the ‘Business Manager of the Year Award by the Goa Management Association, he was also a recipient of Dr.T. M. A. Pai Foundation’s Distinguished Achievement Award at Manipal and was honoured by the then President of India, late Giani Zail Singh on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of Goa’s Liberation.
Dattaraj V. Salgaocar was born on 23rd May 1957. During his tenure, he organised a seminar to discuss issues relating to Western Regional Co-operation between the 4 states of Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Interaction and talks with various authorities and government officials were held by the Chamber. Under his Presidentship the Chamber led a high powered business delegation to Portugal accompanied by Goa’s Chief Minister, Cabinet Ministers and others. The Chamber signed two protocols, first time in the Chamber’s history, one with Associacao Industrial de Porto and the other with Associacao Industrial Portuguesa of Lisbon, leading to strengthening of business ties between India and Portugal. The Chamber also led a delegation to the Agritech 96 Fair in Israel. It was also during his tenure that the Chamber’s Publication, ‘Global India, Advantage Goa’ was released. He is qualified with a degree in Production Engineering, Bombay University and an M.B.A. (Finance) from Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. He is the owner and Managing Director of V.M.Salgaocar Group of Companies with interests in ore mining, processing and exports of iron ore, shipping, steel, logistics, infrastructure, real estate, media and health care. Among his various positions includes that of Honorary Consul for Austria, for Goa, Kerala and Lakshadweep, and Chairman Sharada Mandir School Trust, Panjim.
Shri. Nitin Kunkolienkar, young and energetic Entrepreneur, born on 14 April 1968, was the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for three consecutive terms, 2001-2003, 2004-2006 & 2007-2009 having elected unopposed for all three terms. During his president ship, The Goa Chamber was accorded “Best Chamber in the Country-2006”. He has over 20 years of experience in the IT Industry with 15 years in Top Management Function. He has a presence in many arenas – Corporate, government bodies, education and social institutions, Non-Governmental organisations etc. He is widely known for his retentive memory, quick decision making and leadership skills across all sectors. He played vital roles in various policies linked to State and Central. He is one who believes in Hard work and works relentlessly for the benefit of the economy and society at large. He is also known for his outstanding connects with people all across the globe in diverse sectors. His networking skills are indeed appreciated. On the Corporate front, he occupies positions of importance. He is President of Manufacturers Association for Information Technology (MAIT), Delhi. Since 2017 he has been elected consecutively 3 times which is a record by itself. Prior to this he was vice President for the western region. MAIT is the APEX BODY of all ICT players in the country and includes top Companies like APPLE, Vivo, Xiaomi, HP, Dell, Cisco, Intel, Netweb, Panasonic, Qulacom, Rosenberger, IFB, Birla Fujukawa, Cannon, Samsung, LG and almost all top players. He is the Member of Board on National Executive Council of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). This is his 3rd term on the CII National council, a position where amidst are the stalwarts of the nation. He is the Member of National Managing Committee of ASSOCHAM and President, Goa Management Association, Founder President of Verna Industries Association and is currently President Emeritus of the association, Chairman of Vibrant Goa Foundation and Member of General Assembly SANGATH. He is the Director of organizations such as M/s Synegra EMS Limited, M/s Govind Poy Oxygen Ltd, Attort Legal Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. and EP Biocomposites Ltd. In past he was also on Board of Titan Time Products ltd, Goa, Gigabyte Technologies, Lanner Electronics India Ltd, Mercury Link Systems Ltd, and Smartlink Network Systems Ltd ( Earlier known as D-link ) among others. He is also on the Board of Trustees of International Centre Goa. Most recently, he is Founder Director EPIC – Electronic Products Innovation Consortium – a Bangalore-based company formed along with IT sector stalwarts like Padmshri Ajai Chwodhry, Arjun Malhotra and many other renowned personalities, aiming to enable design-led growth in India. Nitin Kunkolienkar has won several awards, the most noteworthy being the National Business Leadership Award by Economic Growth Society of India in 2013, Giants Award in the field of Business & Industry in 2008, Jaycees Creed award for the year 2006-2007, ‘Best Manager of the Year’ award, 2001 and nominated for “Ten Outstanding Young Individuals” by Indian Junior Chamber in 2002.
Cesar Menezes is the Chairman and Managing Director of Wallace Pharma group of companies . He is also the Chairman of Indi Pharma Pvt Ltd and Wallace USA, LLC which owns Goodwin Biotech Inc, Florida, USA. He along with his wife and two daughters holds 100% ownership of the Company.
The group has its Head office situated at Panaji, Goa where its finance department is based. The factories are in Ponda, Goa, Dharwad and Nalagarh in Himachal Pradesh. The group has a work force of 1800 persons . Its Sales and Marketing office which is based at Andheri, Bombay, markets a number of registered trade mark products of the Company through its large field force of 1400 medical representatives, district managers and regional managers. It distributes its products through its C&F depots in all States in India. The sales turnover of the group for the year ended March 2009 is over Rs 200 crores.
A well known figure in Goa, he is the President of the Goa Yachting Association, Board Sailing Association of India and Council member of the Yachting Association of India.
“I believe that connecting two disparate elements is true creativity; and getting it across to the customer makes you a true manager.”
Manguirish Pai Raikar is the President of Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the term 2011-13. He has been on the Managing Committee of GCCI since 1990, having served on various committees before being elevated to the post of Vice President for the last two terms. Mr Manguirish Pai Raikar, born in 1955, is a Science graduate with postgraduate degrees in Law and Management and several certificate courses in Finance and HR. Mr Manguirish Pai Raikar, born in 1955, is a Science graduate with postgraduate degrees in Law and Management and several certificate courses in Finance and HR. He started his career as a Management trainee in Hindustan Ciba-Geigy. A first generation entrepreneur, he started his own venture Accumulator Manufacturing Company in 1982. He was presented the NCC-The Navhind Times Achievers’ Award in June 2011. He is also the chairman of Green Triangle Society for Occupational Safety, Health & Environment. He is Co-Chairman of governing Council for engineering colleges in Goa. He is also a member of Investment Facilitation Council of Goa, and various other boards of the State Government and also on the board of India Red Cross Society.
Mr. Narayan R. Bandekar was President of GCCI for two terms – first elected as its 32nd President in 2013 and then re-elected for a second term in 2015. For several years, before he became the President, Mr. Narayan Bandekar played an active role in GCCI’s affairs. A businessman since the age of 24 , Mr. Narayan R. Bandekar, popularly known as Nanabab, is the founder and the Chairman and Managing Director of the NRB Group, Vasco. In the core business of iron ore production and export, NRB is among the top companies in Goa with clients in Japan & China. Mr Bandekar has been singularly responsible for steering the group into new business sectors like manufacturing, hospitality, restaurants, and fitness. A strong believer in Goan pride, he is a philanthropist and an active patron of Goan art, music, education & sport.
Mr. Sandip Bhandare is a graduate in commerce and a rank holder of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He has been in practice since 1984. Mr. Bhandare is the Immediate Past President (2017-19) of Goa Chamber of Commerce (GCCI), one of the oldest chambers of commerce in India. He had earlier held all the other important positions in GCCI. He is also a Director of EDC Limited and Goa Industrial Development Corporation. He was the Chairman of Goa Branch of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in 2006. Mr.Bhandare has authored a book on Goa Vat Act 2005 and co-authored the book – Guide to Audit under Goa Vat Act 2005 published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He was the Chairman of Task Force on GST formed to study the impact of GST on Goa. Earlier he was also the Director of Goa Electronics Ltd. Mr. Bhandare has lectured in Dempo College of Commerce & Economics. He is also a member of Goa Management Association. Mr. Bhandare is actively associated with the Lions Club and has received several awards including the International President’s medal for Leadership.
Mr. Manoj M. Caculo is the Chairman and Managing Director of the Caculo Group having business interests in Automobiles, Construction equipment, Malls, Retails, Hospitality, Banqueting, Restaurants etc. An Engineering graduate, Mr. Caculo is credited for starting the retail revolution in Goa with the first Mall … Caculo Mall. He is also credited with the turning around of social and sporting institutions like Clube Tennis De Gaspar Dias, Miramar and Panjim Gymkhana. Also he is an active Rotarian involved in numerous philanthropic activities. Mr. Caculo led the Goa Chamber from 2019-2021, during the peak of the Covid -19 Pandemic the world had never seen before. During these trying times of Lockdowns, restrictions, job losses and Business closures, GCCI under his leadership played a pivotal role in stabilizing the industry sentiments by being a perfect catalyst. He was successful in getting relief from various Government departments for the ailing trade and industry which was a breather to sustain the difficult times.
Mr. Ralph de Sousa is the Chairman of The de Souza Group, a business house engaged principally in the hospitality business, owning resorts, travel agencies, and tour operators. The group also owns a construction company and service apartments being the latest addition to the group’s activities.
Mr. de Sousa is on the Board of Governors, Govt. of India Ministry for Tourism’s Institute of Hotel Management, Porvorim and the President of the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The Government of Goa has appointed Mr. de Sousa to the Board of Directors of Economic Development Corporation (EDC) of the State of Goa, where he was also the former Task Force Member of the Chief Minister’s Rozgar Yojna (CMRY), the micro finance body of the State of Goa, for a tenure of 7 years. Recently he has been appointed as a Board Member of the Goa Investment Promotion Board.
Mr. de Sousa previously held the positions as the Chairman of the Goa America Heart Foundation Trust, the President of Travel and Tourism Association of Goa, the Chairman and Patron of Goa Heritage Action Group, a Trustee of The Museum of Christian Art, and was the Past Chairman of Confederation of Indian Industry – Goa Council.
Mr. de Sousa belongs to the village of Assagao. He lives in Saliago with his wife Carolina, a former secondary school teacher who completed 30 years of service at St. Mary’s High School, Mapusa, and his 2 children Carlos Noel & Karla Maris.

Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI) is Goa’s premier non-profit business, support-services and networking organization. We represent and liaise with SME’s, Corporate Organisations and Government bodies.
Narayan Rajaram Bandekar Bhavan, T.B. Cunha Road, Panaji, Goa
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