- Protect Interest : To promote and protect interests of trade, commerce, and industry.
- Act as a Catalyst : To act as a catalyst in developing economy, trade, industry, commerce, and the socio-economic conditions of Goa and the nation as a whole.
- Build Options : To build opinions and suggest proactive options for enhancing the competitiveness of business and industry by interacting with policymakers and experts.
- Facilitate Unorganised Sector : To facilitate the unorganised sector of trade & industry, as this sector contributes a major share in the industrial growth.
- Help the Government : To help the Government in providing a transparent administrative and tax system.
- Promote : As a pro-active organisation of business, GCCI is committed to spearheading the promotion of a conducive environment for trade, Industry, and Commerce.
A robust Goan economy with state-of-the-art infrastructure establishing Goa as the foremost state in Tourism, I.T., Education, Logistics, and Pharma.
- To obtain the removal of all acknowledged grievances affecting mercantile and industrial interests, as far as possible.
- To deal suitably with legislative and other measures affecting the business and industry.
- To arbitrate in the settlement of disputes arising out of commercial transactions.
- To co-operate with any other association with similar objectives and exchange information.
- To work closely with the Government, professionals, experts, intellectuals, eminent personalities, and with people from the industry, trade, business on matters of commerce.

GCCI MURAL Integrating art and the social landscape is the premier industrial institution of Goa – GCCI. The exposed wall of the Narayan Rajaram Bandekar Bhavan – Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry building, has a huge and fabulous mural depicting the industry and the social scenario of Goa – Mining, Tourism, Manufacturing, IT, Barge industry, Fishing, Agriculture and Water Sports.
‘Mural’ is a visual art painted on any large permanent surface –usually walls. It speaks a universal language and is a symbolic representation of an idea. World-famous murals can be found in Mexico, New York, Philadelphia, Belfast, Cuba, Ireland and India. It has been the constant endeavour of GCCI to contribute not only to the industry but also to society at large. When Nitin Kunkolienker was the President of GCCI and Sanjit Rodrigues was the Commissioner of CCP (City Corporation of Panaji) they had mooted various ideas to beautify the city. The dead wall of the Chamber’s building was the only large and vacant wall in Panaji. A lot of people were approaching the Chamber for leasing out this space for advertising. Sanjit Rodrigues then suggested that the blank wall of the GCCI building could be used to display a mural. Nitin strongly supported this and relentlessly pursued the idea. Chamber did not succumb to financial gains that could accrue from leasing its space. Instead, GCCI felt that it could contribute to the city of Panaji by bringing an aesthetic piece of art into the public sphere. The Chamber toyed with various options such as mosaic tiles, terracotta – a typically Goan art. However, it was difficult to translate this work on such a huge scale as local artists were not available in Goa. Finally, an artist, Justin Lobo, a graduate from the 1st batch of Goa College of Arts was selected to translate GCCI’s vision on paper. Justin had worked a short while in a private advertising agency after which he had a short stint in the police force as a photographer. Now he works with the Government of Goa as a designer. Justin designed a beautiful collage depicting the beauty and industry of Goa in perfect harmony. It was finally decided to craft it in fibre-glass as it would be long lasting and safe. However, the cost was prohibitive. It was then that Shri Narayan Bandekar magnanimously offered to sponsor the entire structure. The execution of Justin’s design was carried out by Master Craftsman – Vilas Mandrekar. He is originally from Goa but has his workshop in Sawantwadi. Putting up the mural was nothing short of an engineering feat as work commenced on this in the midst of the fierce monsoons and the entire structure would be weighing approximately 900 kgs. The initial grid design which was planned in aluminium was then made in steel to support the structure. This beautiful mural is a wonderful representation of Goa in all its splendour.
PRESS RELEASE – 19TH SEP 09 GCCI held a dual function at its Surendrababu Timblo Hall on Saturday 18th Sep – unveiling of a stunning mural on the exposed wall of the Chamber building and conferring of the Umesh Mhambre Business Journalist Award 2008. The then Chief Minister Mr. Digambar Kamat dedicated the mural to the citizens of Panaji by unveiling its miniature painting showering praises on Late Umesh Mhambre


Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI) is Goa’s premier non-profit business, support-services and networking organization. We represent and liaise with SME’s, Corporate Organisations and Government bodies.
Narayan Rajaram Bandekar Bhavan, T.B. Cunha Road, Panaji, Goa
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